Are We THERE Yet?

I have talked about how important it is to have people, friends that you can talk with, cry with, and just work out your thoughts and feelings with.  What if some of those friends that you have a relationship with are really some of the problems that you are trying to deal with.  Wow, that would be a difficult situation, acutally it is difficult.  Guess what, any situation that involves people can be difficult, that is because we ALL have issues, maybe your friend has issues with you, or your wife.  As long as we are in these bodies, and walking around on this big blue marble, people are going to be people. 

Sometimes, you will have a person that agrees with you, and sometimes not, for me it is usually that they do not agree with me.   I have also found that many times over my 40 plus years on this earth, that I can be a problem.  That is probably why I have maybe two people that I can confide in, open up with, and share my heart with, however, that is still very difficult, mainly because I am afraid.  Afraid that they won’t like me, disagree with me, or worse yet, leave me.  When you only have a couple of people to lean on, that is very scary.   

Okay, I bet you are wondering, what does this have to do with the title of this post, well I am getting to it! 

THERE is Heaven, and until we get THERE we have people that we can count on and some that we can not, but we have one that will never let us down, that is Jesus.  He is always there for us, and He wants us to ask Him, talk to Him, and Worship Him.  To learn more check out this Church website C3

If you have more question, leave a comment and ask.

Published in: on April 7, 2008 at 11:20 pm  Leave a Comment  
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