The bottom of the Cup

The title of my Blog is Life Above the Grinds.  That name came out of a dream of owning my own coffee shop that was, well put to death.  After being open for less then a year our world came tumbling down, and I really did not know how or even if I wanted to continue with anything.  My dream, the thing I had worked so very hard for, the life that I felt and thought was what God wanted me to do,  was about to be taken away.  And it was not pretty. 

We lost a lot with the closing of our Coffee Shop, our house, they are even going to take my truck, I am pretty sure that I even lost a bunch of pride, and for awhile I was not sure about loosing everything, yes I mean everything.  Since this happened, I have even had a couple of friends that have become much more distant. I was not sure I wanted to even stay in the same town or state, and actually I even asked my wife if she wanted to leave me.  It was serious. I just wanted the coffee shop back, and well, it was not going to happen, it was no longer my dream, but my nightmare, as well as my families, and probably a few of my friends as well.  Much of what I thought of myself was wrapped up in that coffee shop, it was me, or at least who and what I wanted to be……..

We are now on the upswing, I have a new job, we are renting a great house for less then what our mortgage was, and a neighborhood that we love.  I was unsure if I ever wanted to have my own business again, especially a coffee shop, but I am sure that God wants me to have my own business again, and well, I am pretty sure I know what it will be…… more to come on that later.

So I am on the bottom of the cup, but it is not so bad here, you can’t go anywhere but up and out, and really that is what it is all about, Getting above the Grinds on the bottom of the cup!!!!!

Published in: on November 21, 2008 at 10:11 pm  Comments (1)