How Much Can You Take? (part 1)

I know it is about time I bloged again!!!

Many of us, myself included, feel we can only take so much of anything, or we will snap!  Think of someone that you know, that is dealing with cancer, death of a loved one, divorce, being fired from a job, failed business venture, money issues, or just the day to day life that feels relentless. Or maybe you have friend that has wronged you, or a company that has wronged you.  How many of you feel that you are at the end of your rope, on the last rung of your ladder, or out of gas in the middle of nowhere? 

I know these feelings, my family and I are living this out right now.  Believe me when I say, that we can understand what you are going through.  Here is a little of what I feel almost on a daily basis, sometimes it is better, and sometimes it is much, much worse. When I wake up, and feel like I have not slept because I have spent my sleep worrying about what will go wrong today. Also thinking and fretting about what went wrong yesterday.  Most of the time I feel like staying in bed, pull the cover up and keep the world away.  Not just the world, but my wife, son and friends as well.

 There have also been many times when I feel like, because of the situation that we are in, that I have no friends, or they do not want to be around, or near me because this predicament has taken over my life. Let me just tell you, DO NOT DO THAT!  Again, trust me, I have done this and at times still do, and it really makes things worse.  Find someone you can talk to and talk. That is an important item, because if you do not talk, it will continue to eat you from the inside out.  This I know!!!

 More Later!

Published in: on March 12, 2008 at 6:28 pm  Comments (1)  

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  1. Hey man,

    Great advice – as soon as you start running from community, you lose a valuable perspective that Jesus wants and needs you to have.

    Looking forward to blogs coming more often…


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